“I was frankly shocked when I heard sdlkilla was building a team and there was room for me there” – The Formula’s C.G.

Welcome back to the next installment of the GFWL Season 2 team preview!

The Formula is a new team primarily filled with free agents who participated in the Free Agent Poaching Showdown. While every player on the roster is new to the league, the team is also affiliated with Season 1 champions Rampage HK, who provide mentorship to them.

Captain: Cosmo

We sat down with C.G., who happens to be a writer for GoatFormat.com, to talk about his expectations for the season.

GFWL: Tell us a little about yourself. What do you like about goats?

CG: What I like about goats is that the format is accessible and familiar. The relatively small fixed cardpool makes it easier to get into than trying to learn most games, and it has that “classic” Yu-Gi-Oh! feel that dates back to when I originally played. So, while there is definitely the nostalgia element, I appreciate the level of technical ability that a lot of players bring to the table and I’m eager to grow in that respect as well.

As for myself, there’s not too much to say. I’m a pretty standard nerd that writes fiction for a hobby and wants to get good at playing a game they love.

GFWL: You’re somewhat known in the community for your creative articles covering unusual tech. What kind of decks do you see yourself playing this season? Will it be more of the innovative decks you’re passionate about, or will the decks be more standard as you look to grow your technical ability in mirrors and in other meta matchups?

CG: I think the answer is both. I need to get more familiar with the more standard decks and metagame in order to develop better decks and tech. One of those things where I may have gotten ahead of myself in the past, but I intend to continue on the path less taken once I get my bearings and can make more sound tactical decisions.

GFWL: Tell us a bit about the team you’ve decided to play with this season. How’s the experience been like with them so far, and what makes them unique?

CG: The Formula is an interesting beast. We’re dead last in the unofficial pre-season power rankings, so that’s pretty unique, but for real, my experience with them so far has been great.

I was frankly shocked when I heard sdlkilla was building a team and there was room for me there. We have great mentors in sdlkilla and Ghostrider15 and I think the unorthodox mix of hungry players with unusual perspectives and experienced veterans to keep us in check will produce some really interesting matches in the future.

GFWL: Is there anything you find particularly interesting about sdl’s teaching style? The “school of sdl” has produced talents in the past, such as Rampage’s moby. Do you have any insight into what makes him such a great coach?

CG: I like how approachable, available, and clear he is. I haven’t had the chance to work with him one on one too much yet, but from what I have seen so far in the interactions we have had, that’s my takeaway. He’s already corrected one of my fatal deckbuilding errors! He’s always trying to schedule practice and check out replays for us so I’m very excited to see how this season goes.

GFWL: What would success look like for you this season?

CG: I want that sweet, sweet underdog upset of course, but realistically, growing as a player to where I can stand as an equal among people who know what they’re doing in the format, that’s my goal. It’s not directly about winning or losing, but about getting better.

GFWL: It’s been really enjoyable talking to you and I hope your team can bring out the best in its players! Any final thoughts or shoutouts?

CG: Yeah this has been fun! I’d like to shout out Samie in particular for keeping me in mind and reaching out to me when it came time to build The Formula’s roster, I want to thank sdlkilla and my team for giving me a shot, and I’d like to thank the War League for keeping the competitive spirit at an all time high! My advice to anyone in it would be to enjoy the banter but stay glued to the grind!

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